Thursday, June 30, 2016

Wedding: Ashley & Alec

Hey everyone!  It has been a long while since I have posted.  Being in grad school I have not been doing a lot of client focused photography, but I finally have a wedding to share!

I met Ashley and Alec at a wedding expo and I knew right then that they were an unbelievably sweet and fun loving couple.  I was very excited when they asked me to photograph their wedding!

The entire day was fun, relaxed, at a beautiful location, and the best part -- everyone was totally fantastic!  I can only hope that all of the weddings I photograph go as smoothly and as perfect as this one.

Ashley and Alec, thank you so much for inviting me into your lives to photograph this beautiful day.  With your fun loving personalities and strong relationship together and with God, I have no doubt that you will have the happily ever after of your favorite Disney movies.



  1. Great set of pictures. I particularly like the one with the door between them. "Tradition: The groom does NOT see the bride in her dress before she walks down the aisle." But that day, there are times you have to talk to each other!

    1. They originally weren't going to do anything like this, but then last minute decided that they wanted to pray together. It was very touching.
