This was an interesting one to shoot. Molly Pitcher was a woman who fought in the in the revolutionary war, taking her husbands place on the battle field after he is injured. I knew I had to give her some sort of "action," something that would go beyond her just standing holding her cannon puncher. What would her surroundings be on the battle field?
Model: Sarah
Costume: Costume shop
Canon Puncher: James Chavey

In the battle of Monmouth during the Revolutionary War,
Molly Pitcher left her post as a water carrier and took her husband's place on
the battlefield after he was wounded by cannon fire.
Molly Pitcher monument
The costume was acquired from the costume shop, and edited to fit the time period, as well as for the conditions (I added some stains and rips to it). The cannon puncher was made from a broom handle, a paper towel role, and a black t-shirt.
Molly Pitcher, Unknown artist
My favorite part about this shoot was the cannon smoke! The smoke was made from throwing baby powder and the use of a remote trigger.
Thank you so much for your help Sarah. You were quite the trooper!
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